- The administration or governance of the College of Education
1.1. Duty and responsibility of the dean
Not available
1.2. Duties and responsibilities of the department heads
- The department head shall act as chair of the DC, and have the duties and responsibilities which is given in the UoG senate legislation article 139.5 of 139.51 up to 139.5.14 and Article 140.31 up to 140.3.22 as follow.
- He /she is accountable to the dea
- Her/his term of office of ahead of department be three yea may be reappointed for another one term
- Develop the strategic plan of the department together with the AUC;
- Direct the teaching, research and community service activities of the department;
- Promote the enhancement of the quality and relevance of teaching, research and community service in the department;
- Initiate proposals for deliberations by the DC on matters within the jurisdiction of the latter;
- Follow-up and implement the decisions and recommendations of the AUC and the DC;
- Seek to provide opportunities for educational and professional development of the staff and students of the department
- Ensure the processing of appointments, promotions, salary increments and the benefits due to the staff of the department are made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University;
- Prepare and initiate the preparation of plans, programs and budgets for the activities of the department and closely supervise the implementation of approved plans, programs and budgets;
- Create conducive atmosphere for the expansion of academic, research and community service efforts in the department;
- Prepare up-to-date reports on the teaching, research and consultancy/community services and technology transfer provided by the department;
- Assign an academic advisor to each student to help him in his education; and advisors and examiners for senior essays or projects;
- Supervise the proper use of physical and human resources within the department;
- Ensure that academic staff of the department submit periodic reports on their teaching, research and community service activities and, in consultation with the DC, take appropriate actions on issues raised in such reports;
- Keep records of activities of all staff of the department to serve as inputs for evaluations. Such records shall, inter alia, include reports on research work, publications, conference papers and talks, status of works in progress during that year, professional community services and participation in University affairs;
- Conduct performance evaluation of each staff at the end of each semester/term;
- Ensure that students’ evaluations and peer reviews of staff of the department are properly conducted and the necessary reports are submitted to the dean as per procedures on these matters;
- Ensure the handling of proper academic records of students of the department;
- Increase access to education and reach out the public at large through continuing educati
- Design specialized programs of study specifically tailored to fit the needs of stakeholders of continuing education;
- Design guidelines for recruitment of academic and support staff for continuing education;
- Work on admission policy, on internal and external transfer from/ to continuing education credit, non-credit and short term training program;
- Delegate his powers to another full-time academic staff of the department, and where necessary, carry out other relevant tasks assigned to him by the dea
Duties and responsibilities of the Coordinators
- Education Quality Assurance and Audit Coordinating Office
The purpose of Education Quality Assurance and Audit Coordinating Office is to enhance the quality of teaching-learning, research, community engagement and administrative services and to ensure the relevance of programs so as to increase the quality of graduates and enable them to solve societal problems.
Some of the major duties and responsibilities of Education Quality Assurance and Audit Coordinating Office are:
- Evaluate the programs and Conduct programs’ internal auditing in the college
- Evaluate and Audit the programs in the University as a whole together with other coordinators in it.
- Based on External Audit Result, Prepare Educational Quality Improvement Page and work for its implementation.
- Concerning education quality, the coordinator gives information and assists Education Quality Assurance and Audit Directorate, the Dean, department heads and different Coordinators in the college, etc.
2. Continuing and Distance Education Programs Office
The office of Continuing and Distance Education Programs (CDEP) has the following main duties and responsibilities;
- Is responsible for coordinating all extension, summer, and distance programs at the college level;
- Oversee the implementation of academic calendars;
- Promote the Continuing Education Programs available at college level; and
- Develop the annual plan for the office based on the strategic plan of the college.
- Forward appropriate recommendations to the concerned directorate regarding the continuing education programs in consultation with the respective department heads;
- Ensure effective implementation of the policies and decisions lay down by the University for the proper administration of continuing education programs;
- Carry out additional activities assigned to by the Continuing and Distance Education directorate.
- Exam Center
The main role and responsibilities of the College of Education Examination Center are:
- Monitoring and supporting instructors to develop standardized and complete course syllabus
- Supporting, monitoring and evaluating the planning and implementation of continuous assessment
- Effective duplication of modules, teaching materials, assignments and other documents
- Duplicating tests and final exams in a confidential manner
- Develop a series of trainings to develop teachers’ ability to prepare exams and evaluate their progress
- Providing awareness raising activities to enable students to become aware of their exam-related rights, responsibilities and obligations
- Coordinating the evaluation of final exams by exam committee and creating a conducive environment for learners with and without special needs and for the invigilators
- Post graduate Coordination Office
Roles and responsibilities of the post-graduate coordination office are:
1. Ensure first day first class
2.Facilitate the learning, teaching, research of postgraduate students.
3. Facilitate various research trainings for postgraduate students
4. Ensure smooth relationship between postgraduate students and advisors
5. Facilitate thesis and dissertation defense.
6. Monitor curriculum validation and development.
7. Create links between departments and stakeholders.
8. Facilitate timely payments for both students and instructors.
9. Facilitate seminars and workshops.
- Research and Publication Office
The research and publication office has the following responsibilities:
- Facilitate conditions for teachers to have research and publishing skills
- Monitoring the performance of research activities
- Get teachers to focus on research
- Acknowledge the results of research and publication
- Talk to researchers to get the results of research distributed properly
- Conducting a series of educational seminars
- Community Service Office
The community service office has the following responsibilities
- Encourage teachers to focus on community service
- Monitoring and evaluating the performance of community service activities
- Collaborate with other offices
- College of Education Assistant Registrar
Not available
Name | Title | Responsibility | Mobile | |
Dr. Kindie Abeje | Chair Man | Dean of the College | +251913290037 | kindie. abeje@uog.edu.et |
Dr. Menbere Enyew | Head | Department of EdPM | +251918775080 | menbere.enyew@uog.edu.et |
Dr. Markos Tezera | Member | Coordinator, Continuing and Distance Education Programs | +251918785859 | markos.tezera@uog.edu.et |
Dr. Getnet Alene | Head | Department of Pedagogy Unit | +251910197510 | getnet.alene @uog.edu.et |
Dr. Taddesse Abera | Member | Coordinator, Postgraduate programs office | +251913245468 | taddesse.abera@uog.edu.et |
Mr. Samuel Zinabu | Head | Department of LLCD | +251918640944 | samuel. zinabu@uog.edu.et |
Mr. Tilahun Adamu | Member | Coordinator, assistant registrar | +251922121294 | tilahun.adamu@uog.edu.et |
Ms. Hawa Alemu | Member | Coordinator, Community Service | +251918812192 | hawa.alemu@uog.edu.et |
Mr. Wondwosen Mitiku | Head | Department of SNIE | +251912356245 | wondwosen.mitiku@uog.edu.et |
Mr. Getu Kassie | Member | Coordinator, Education Quality Assurance and Audit Coordinating Office | +251911788883 | getu.kassie@uog.edu.et |
Mr. Yitayal Alemu | Member | Coordinator, Exam Center | +251912851042 | yitayal.alemu@uog.edu.et |
Mr. Samuel Getnet | Member | Coordinator, Research & Publication | +251918330766 | samuel.getnet@uog.edu.et |